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Why Do I Need to Learn This? What Does This Have to Do With My Life Anyway?

February 24, 2025
By Mr. Mike Pilliod

As an educator for the past 28 years, I have heard on countless occasions students ask, “Why do I need to learn this?” or “When will I use this in real life?” I totally and completely understand their knee-jerk desire to ask these questions because, well, I asked them myself as a teenager—and I imagine many of you have too.

Unfortunately, throughout my career in education, there has been a push to constantly “make education applicable.” Oh, we think students don’t listen, don’t we? But really, they are listening! And they are learning! When national educational leaders pontificate about how all learning should be applicable to students’ lives, the student will hear that! Indeed, they will! It gives us, as students, a built-in excuse to abjectly refuse to learn something if we do not deem it applicable. And therein lies the rub, doesn’t it? Who determines what is to be and not to be applicable to the millions of students’ lives? The students? They certainly seem to think so. And what about learning for the sake of learning? For the sake of coming closer and closer to the Truth? Learning should be about Truth Seeking, right?

Schools need to get back to helping students develop into becoming good thinkers/learners. At WCA, we will do so by developing the intellectual virtues—habits of thinking and learning—that are essential for success, personal growth, and living out one’s faith. These nine intellectual virtues—(1) Curiosity, (2) Intellectual Humility, (3) Intellectual Autonomy, (4) Attentiveness, (5) Intellectual Carefulness, (6) Intellectual Thoroughness, (7) Open-Mindedness, (8) Intellectual Courage, and (9) Intellectual Tenacity—are more than academic skills; they are character traits that reflect the character of God and enable individuals to love the Lord their God with all their minds! Not only this, but these intellectual virtues will help students to learn the patterns of thinking and problem-solving that apply to every area of life—not just within the classroom.

Just as a good neighbor shows kindness, generosity, and patience, and a good citizen demonstrates honesty, responsibility, and respect, a good thinker cultivates the intellectual virtues. These virtues shape a person’s character, influencing how they approach challenges, seek Truth, and interact with others. Learning in school provides opportunities to practice these traits, building habits that last a lifetime. Developing intellectual virtues is not only about achieving success, but also about becoming a person of integrity who uses their mind to serve others and to glorify God. And isn’t that our mission here at WCA…to shape students into the image of Christ by helping them discover Truth?! Why, yes it is!

The intellectual virtues also mirror the character of God. As the Creator of the universe, God is the ultimate source of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. When students cultivate intellectual virtues, they reflect aspects of God’s nature in their own lives. For example:

1.  Curiosity reflects God’s infinite wisdom and desire for His children to seek truth and explore His creation. Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.” This also takes the focus off of self and places it squarely upon others; being curious about what others have to say.

2.  Intellectual Humility reflects Christ’s humility, as seen in Philippians 2:3-4, where believers are called to consider others above themselves, and allows us to admit when we do not know something, and as such, we become Truth Seekers.

3.  Intellectual Autonomy mirrors God’s gift of free will, encouraging individuals to think independently while aligning their choices with His truth. It also teaches us to work independently and not depend upon the work of others for or the words of others for affirmation or validation.

4.  Attentiveness mirrors God’s attentiveness to His creation, as seen in Matthew 10:29-31, where even the sparrows are under His care. Being careful, meticulous, is a virtue, for sure such that we minimize mistakes and take care to do all that we do for the glory of God.

5.  Intellectual Carefulness reflects God’s precision in creating the world with perfect order and design. Being careful in our thoughts allows us to not be swayed by any wind of doctrine or be fooled by many words and vain philosophies.

6.  Intellectual Thoroughness reflects God’s completeness, as He leaves nothing unfinished or incomplete. As such, we should focus on a task to completion and not be distracted by our phones and the cares of this world.

7.  Open-Mindedness reflects God’s fairness and justice, as He listens to the prayers of all people and shows compassion to those who seek Him. The ability to see/understand someone else’s perspective is vital to learning and might just prove valuable as Truth Seekers.

8.    Intellectual Courage mirrors the courage Jesus showed when speaking the truth, even when it was unpopular. It also allows us to challenge our own thoughts on what we might believe that we know. We should have the courage to be Truth Seekers, wherever the Truth leads.

9.    Intellectual Tenacity reflects God’s faithfulness and perseverance, as He never gives up on His people. Doing hard things is virtuous and relies on all the other 8 virtues above. Seeing the challenge and not backing down must be learned. Working on a problem or project to fulfillment is something to be practiced, learned, and enhanced.

By developing these virtues, character traits, students grow in their ability to think, learn, and act in ways that honor God. And again, learning is not just about collecting facts—it’s about developing patterns of thinking that prepare individuals to face life’s challenges.
The Bible reminds us that challenges are inevitable. In John 16:33, Jesus says, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Learning to think critically, solve problems, and approach difficulties with intellectual virtues is essential—not just for school, but for every area of life. Whether managing relationships, making decisions, or facing unexpected setbacks, the ability to think clearly, analyze situations, and persist through difficulties is crucial. The patterns of thinking developed at WCA—like breaking down complex problems, considering different perspectives, and applying knowledge to new situations—equip our students to navigate both everyday challenges and larger life obstacles. And take note of the second part of that verse…Jesus has overcome the world! And so again, by developing the intellectual virtues, we not only reflect the very nature of God, but we participate in Jesus’ overcoming of the world and it’s troubles by learning the patterns of problem-solving. We live in a Genesis 3 universe right now. It’s fallen and depraved…and there simply will be problems that need solving! Will our students be prepared to solve problems and do hard things? I pray they will. And by God’s grace we will do our best here at WCA to ensure that happens!

In Matthew 22:37, Jesus commands us to, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” How do we love the Lord with all our mind? Cultivating intellectual virtues is a way to fulfill this commandment. Using one’s mind to seek Truth, understand God’s creation, and think deeply about life’s questions is an act of worship. When students approach their studies with curiosity, diligence, and integrity, they honor God by using the gifts He has given them. Even subjects that seem, to many students, unrelated to faith—like math, science, or literature—become opportunities to discover the order, beauty, and creativity of God’s design. Remember, as Abraham Kuyper said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” It is ALL sacred! God created our brains and our minds and for us to NOT cultivate our minds/brains would be a slap in the face of our Creator. That is why at WCA we teach “apologetically.” The word “apologetics” comes from the word “defense” in 1 Peter 3:15 where Peter says, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” And so we teach math and science and literature (and every other subject) as subject to the authority of Christ. We teach subjects and topics within subjects such that students understand that these topics ONLY make sense from a Biblical worldview and don’t make sense from any other worldview.

Moreover, intellectual virtues enable individuals to serve others and share God’s love. For example, intellectual courage empowers people to stand up for their beliefs, while intellectual humility allows them to listen and learn from others. Attentiveness and carefulness help individuals notice the needs of those around them, and tenacity gives them the perseverance to make a difference. In this way, developing intellectual virtues not only benefits individuals but also equips them to fulfill their calling to love and serve others.

While students may not use every fact or formula they learn in school, the intellectual virtues and patterns of thinking they develop are essential for success, personal growth, and spiritual maturity. Like the character traits of a good neighbor or citizen, intellectual virtues shape who a person becomes, influencing their actions, decisions, and relationships. By cultivating curiosity, open-mindedness, humility, courage, tenacity, attentiveness, carefulness, autonomy, and thoroughness, students reflect God’s character and learn to love Him with all their minds. Ultimately, the purpose of education is not just to gain knowledge but to grow into the person God created each individual to be—someone who uses their mind to seek truth, solve problems, serve others, and bring glory to God.

Soli deo gloria!